Thursday, May 15, 2008

Drunken chicken

Today's lunch at The Star features a favorite of tailgaters everywhere, except Notre Dame: drunken chicken or beer-can chicken.

It involves a chicken, whole, inserted upon an opened, but full, beer can. As the chicken cooks, it steams from the inside, beer gently flavors the bird and sends a wonderful aroma all around the grilling area. The can props the chicken up nicely, letting it cook evenly and baste itself. We'll set our three chickens down the center of our grill and use only the side burners that go front-to-back.

Spice rubs: a lemon herb and a cinnamon chipotle pepper. We'll do some plain, just for contrast.

To go with this delicacy: pinto beans are in the crock-pot right now, and there's fresh cole slaw in the 'fridge. Brownies for dessert.