Thursday, March 20, 2008

Grass-fed beef: a review to come

Our weekly cooking fete at The Star today is a fundraiser for Relay for Life. We're having carnival food: cotton candy, corn dogs, hamburgers, those big pickles...

So, we've got some Talladega-grown, grass-fed, all-natural beef coming for the burgers. This stuff is super lean, super-local.

We'll let you know how it grills up.


Tobias Kroek said...

Grass fed beef is definitely better than grain fed. There are numerous reasons to leave grain fed alone. I am for grass fed only and even though the cow seems to like eating the corn, its definitely not good for it. I am interested what prices you would find fair when it comes to grass fed beef prices. I am soon opening a grass fed meat restaurant and also plan on shipping it out to people. I will also look into jerky. This will be interesting to those that like beef but are not willing to pay the heavy shipping cost grass fed is associated with in most cases.

How much did you pay for yours, and how lean are the burgers?

Laura said...

The story of our beef is short, but sweet. An English professor at the university 10 minutes from the paper buys a side of beef each year from a local lady who raises her own. He was getting ready for another shipment and wanted to donate some of the ground beef to the weekly cookouts we have here at The Star.

The color and texture of the ground beef, pre-cooking, was a richer, truer red than what you'd find in the store. It had nice marbling -- a steady appearance of fat, but not nearly the chunks of fat pockets you see with traditionally raised ground beef at the meat counter. Quite lean overall, but with the fat dispersed nicely and evenly, the end result was still a juicy burger.

I would bet that jerky from such a product would be incredible. I'm not sure what the mail-order market would bear for grass-fed beef in Anniston, Alabama, but I don know there is a growing interest in knowing where food comes from and who is growing it.

Tobias Kroek said...

The problem is that meat needs to be shipped fast, which makes shipping expensive. A jerky product would be much easier and cheaper to ship.